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// July 25, 2024 //

why does my weed vape keep clogging? understanding and solving the problem










There is nothing worse than a clogged vape. Everything is going along perfectly and then suddenly you can’t get anything out or you’re not getting full vapor airflow.

What the heck, man! It’s incredibly annoying. Yet many of us have faced those challenges with clogging vapes or even vapes that clog over and over again.

If you’re asking why does my weed vape keeps clogging, this guide is for you. Just know it’s a common issue, but there may be a reason that it is clogging. You can also correct the issue so you can keep using that vape as well. Find out more below.

the problem

Obviously, the problem is a clog, but there are underlying issues that have led to this clog on your last nerve. Clogs can happen anywhere, but we notice them when they obstruct the airflow. The problem is you go to take a hit and suddenly you can’t take one or perhaps you get some vapor, but not enough.

This problem can be caused by multiple issues:

Residue buildup
Thick viscous oils
Poor quality
Overpacked materials
Improper storage
Condensation buildup
Cold temperatures

We’re going to dig into these just a little bit for more detail.

 Man Vaping Outside of a Building

residue buildup

The most common reason we deal with clogs is because residue can build up and create airflow issues. Even though the concentrated oil is contained within the cartridge of your vape, it still passes through the other parts as you use your vape.

As the oil vaporizes and travels through the mouthpiece, it tends to leave some residue behind.

Residue can also accumulate within the mouthpiece just from material from your mouth. Sometimes you don’t see or notice this residue, but your vape would tell you that it’s still there. And eventually, the residue becomes so thick that it impacts the airflow of your vape.

Not good.

Residue buildup happens mostly because you don’t clean your vape or perhaps don’t get it cleaned well enough. If you are cleaning it regularly, you are less likely to run into this type of issue. Sorry to call you on the carpet like this, but sometimes the truth hurts.

thick viscous oils

Alright, another common problem is the thickness of the cannabis oil. Some cannabis oils, like live rosin, have a higher viscosity than others. That means they are less like a thin, movable oil and more like a thick, syrupy oil instead.

There is nothing wrong with preferring these types of products. However, the thickness can sometimes present a problem for your vaping. Because they are so thick, it is harder to vaporize and move them through the vaporizer at times.

But that’s not the biggest issue. Most of the time, your vaporizer will do the work and vaporize these substances. It just may have to work harder. The real challenge is that the viscous material has a tendency to solidify, which makes it even harder to vaporize for your enjoyment.

The solidified material will create a blockage, which usually happens by your heating chamber or at the mouthpiece. It just depends on the scenario.

If you are going to use these types of materials, you may be better suited to use a pen that can handle any type of viscosity without clogging up you.

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poor quality

Poor-quality cannabis concentrate or a poor-quality vape is more likely to have issues too. These cannabis concentrates that have a lot of mystery to them could leave behind extra residue that causes blockages.

Or if you have a poor-quality vape, it just may be inconsistent or prone to clogging because it sucks. The moral of the story? Buy high-quality products and high-quality cartridges. They’re worth it if it means you can worry less about clogging issues like these, right?

overpacked materials

Overpacked materials can cause a blockage too. If you’re buying prefilled cartridges that are just oil this is less likely to be an issue. If you’re refilling your cartridges then it could be a problem, even with just cannabis oil.

However, this is more commonly an issue with something like a dry herb vaporizer. A vape that lets you use cannabis flower or plant matter may be more prone to a clog. These clogs happen when you use too much cannabis plant in your tank or cartridge and it challenges the entire flow of your vape device.

Overpacking your tank or vape carts will also lead to excessive residue buildup. And what did we already learn about residue buildup? It clogs your vape.

Cannabis on a Table

improper storage

The other big reason some people’s vapes get clogged is improper storage. Storing your vape in a place where it is exposed to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight can cause the chemical compounds of your vape juice to change.

When this type of exposure happens, you could be facing clogs because your lack of care and proper storage led to the oil thickening or solidifying. When something that is designed to vaporize oil suddenly is faced with a thick or solid material, it simply can’t do what it is intended to do.

The result for you is a frustrating clog.

the solutions

The good news is there are solutions to fixing clogged vape cartridges. The best solution is to just use quality products and take care of those products too. Ultimately, that’s what it all boils down to.

However, we’re going to take a closer look at the solutions, just like we did the problems:

Regular cleaning and care
Use high-quality products
Thin your vape oil
Avoid overpacking
Proper storage

Here we go!

regular cleaning and care

When was the last time you cleaned your vape? We don’t mean just rinsing or wiping off your mouthpiece either. We mean taking the vape apart and cleaning it with detail. Been awhile? Then it’s time to clean your vape.

Honestly, this is probably one of the biggest problems with clogging. People need to clean their vapes and when they do, they will find it works much better.

You can disassemble, use a cotton swab and some alcohol, and clean that sucker all over. Use the cotton swabs inside the mouthpiece, all around the threading, around the heating element, across any airflow holes, and along the exterior too.

When you clean it, you remove residue buildup that often leads to these clogs we’re so annoyed with. You get a vape pen that functions so much better—oh and it’s clean now too!

use high-quality products

We know you’re on a budget, but using high-quality products does make a difference. We’re talking about the vaping device as well as the vape oil in your device.

A high-quality vape is likely going to be more effective at properly running everything through the system.

But the most important piece is high-quality cannabis concentrate. Those low-quality materials often have impurities in them as well as other potential contaminants. The problem with clogging is the impurities cause residual buildup, which then causes clogging.

Of course, cleaning your vape device regularly may help reduce the amount of clogging from this issue. However, no amount of cleaning will protect you from the impurities you are inhaling into your lungs when you use crappy products.

So, protect yourself, your device, and your clog experience by buying the good stuff. Clogs can happen even in disposable vapes if it’s terrible quality. 

thin your oil

If you’re using thick, viscous materials you might want to consider thinning it or using a different device. For example, a dab pen is designed to work well with thick, waxy cannabis concentrates. When you want thick substances, consider using an appropriate device.

The other option is to help thin your oil when it is thick. To thin them out, you will need a liquidizer or diluent of some sort. However, using this to reduce the thickness could go a long way to help prevent clogging in your vape.

avoid overpacking

We talked about overpacking, especially with something like a dry herb vaporizer. If you are packing your stuff for vaping purposes, you have to learn the magic packing levels.

If you continue to overpack it, then you are going to continue to experience clogs from residue and plant matter buildup.

The best way to avoid those clogs is to make sure you’re packing the device right and being mindful not to pack it too full in one setting. The same is true for cannabis concentrates and oil. You still have to be careful not to overpack as it will lead to clogging.

proper storage

Follow proper storage recommendations to prevent things like hardening and thickening of the liquid within your vape device.

Remember that excessive heat or direct light is both very hard on the vape device as well as the cannabis concentrate within the vape cartridge for long periods of time. If you take proper care of it and make sure this isn’t happening, it’s far less likely to cause you clogging issues. We also recommend storing it in an upright position.

Man Blowing Smoke in a Sunlit Room


We hope this helps with your questions about why my weed vape keeps clogging. In most cases, it’s because you are misusing your vape, perhaps not cleaning your vape regularly enough, or because you’re using junk products.

When you keep these details in mind, you are far less likely to run into clogging issues and enjoy the best vaping experience. 

Want to experience the benefits of high-quality products? Check out all that we have to offer today!

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