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// August 08, 2024 //

how long to charge a vape pen: battery charging insights










Vaping has become one of the most popular smoking alternatives. Whether you’re enjoying a vape with nicotine, various flavors, or your favorite cannabis product, it’s a choice that has quickly taken over for convenience, simplicity, and the wide variety of options on the market.

It’s no wonder they have become so popular when you consider the details and just how convenient these things are. 

Just like with your other electronics, you need to know how to properly take care of your vape device. Learning how long to charge a vape pen and how to charge it safely is pretty important.

In this guide, we’re going to break it down and help you best understand the charging process so you can enjoy your vape for many inhalations to come. 

 USB charger on a green table

a look at vape pen batteries

All vape pens have a battery of some sort. They are not necessarily all the same though. The majority of vape pens use a simple lithium-ion battery. Even some disposable vapes have a rechargeable battery.

This is the most common choice for modern vape pens. In the past, there have also been batteries known as 18650. These are not as common now, simply because the lithium-ion option tends to be safer and more reliable. 

Some brands use a 510-thread battery. These are the next popular choice after lithium-ion options. These are typically on more advanced devices that allow you to control the voltage of your device.

You may see some other battery names or types at random, but this pretty much covers the majority of choices. 

Your charging process may look slightly different depending on the battery. But in the end, they all work similarly and if you’re following instructions for charging, you should be able to follow a universal process. 

Lithium-ion batteries are lightweight and high-density. They are the easiest in terms of rechargeable solutions. They hold a charge well typically and they are slim. This is why they are the most common option for vape pens. 

what affects the charging time for a vape pen? 

Vape pens don’t just haphazardly choose random charging time requirements. There are a lot of details that impact this. While most vape pens use a lithium-ion battery, it doesn’t mean they are all the same in terms of battery life or charging times required. There are plenty of other factors that will also matter here: 

Battery capacity
Charger output
Battery health
Charging method

Let’s break it down more as to how these details affect charging times

battery capacity 

Batteries all have a unique capacity and even among similar battery styles or types, you can find varying capacities.

The charging time and the time your vape holds a charge may depend on the capacity of the battery or the battery size. If you want to look for this detail on your instructions or packaging, you’re looking for the measurement that uses mAh with a number. 

This translates to milliampere-hours, which will ultimately dictate how much of a charge your vape battery can hold. The higher the number here, the higher the capacity of the battery.

When the number is higher, you can anticipate that it will probably take longer to charge. That is because the battery is more powerful and holds a longer charge so it takes more time to juice it back up. 

Likewise, a lower number will take less time to charge. At the same time, it may have to be charged more frequently because it has a lower capacity. 

charger output

The charger you are using will also impact the charging time, as could the power outlet. Most vapes come with a charger or a USB cable, but these all have their ratings as well.

Chargers are rated for output, which dictates the charging time for your battery. This is measured in amperage and translates to the output of the charger. 

A charger with a higher amperage puts out far more power at one time for charging. This can speed up how quickly the battery charges to get a full charge. A charger with a lower amperage will take longer because it simply is not putting out as much power. 

Now, do not run out and purchase a charger just because it has a higher amperage rating. Not all batteries will be compatible with a higher charger output. You need to pay close attention to what is compatible with your vape pen and the battery it has.

If you use something too powerful or not compatible, you could cause major hazards with your pen as well as fire hazards. 

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battery health 

Battery health is always the best when a device is new. Over time, the health of the battery will degrade. You may notice it slowly, or you may just one day realize your vape is no longer holding a charge very well. When the battery starts to degrade, you will also notice it takes longer to charge. 

You see this in other electronic devices as well, like your phone charger. As they age, they simply don’t hold up as well with battery life. This is a natural life cycle of a battery and it’s going to happen eventually. 

However, you can improve your battery life and battery health by taking good care of it over time. Keep your battery maintained and clean and follow proper charging habits.

This will affect your battery life so that it doesn’t wear out as quickly. A great recommendation is to use your charge at least most of the way before you plug it in. Then, allow your device to charge fully before unplugging it. Follow this type of cycle for charging as much as you can. 

charging method

Finally, another major factor is your charging method. Here’s the thing. Most vape pens these days just use a USB port or cable.

Some of them do have charging stations, and those are often the best charging methods when they do. However, what you are using can affect the charging times. 

For example, if you have a vape pen that uses a USB cable and you plug it into your car’s USB port for charging, it may take longer.

Outlets and wall plugs typically get more charging power than your car. Plus, the cable itself may have a lower charge output rating. Remember that the different charge outputs will be a direct factor in your charge times. 

We recommend using the charging devices that come with your vape pen as much as possible. They are usually designed for that vape pen and will give you the best results. And just remember if you use something else make sure it is compatible.

You should also know that while disposable vapes and vape pens typically have an internal battery, some devices host an external battery instead and this could make a difference.

two wall outlets with cords plugged into them

average vape pen charging times

On average, charging the vape batteries for a vape device will take anywhere from one to two hours. This is the time to get to a full charge on your device.

However, keep in mind this is just an average. You may have a vape pen that takes longer or charges even faster than this. Those details above could impact this time. 

You might check out what your vape pen instructions say for charging time. Many of them even print this detail on their packaging so you know what to expect. This average time is based on a healthy device, a healthy battery, and the appropriate charging method. 

best practices for charging your vape

As you charge your vape, there are some things you should keep in mind for safety concerns and the best charging results. 

Use the recommended external battery charger or the type of charger provided by your manufacturer.

Try not to overcharge your device and unplug it when it reaches full capacity. Leaving it on the charger can degrade the battery’s health.

Store your vape pen properly. It should never be left in high temperatures or direct sunlight. This is hard on the battery power as well as your product.

Clean and maintain your vape pen so that it lasts as long as possible. Inspect the device, ensure good connections, and keep it clean. 

Following these recommendations will go a long way to ensure your battery has the best life possible and that your charging times don’t get out of line.

In most cases, charging your battery will take a few hours or less, but there are a lot of factors that might affect the total time it takes. 


Learning how to properly charge and treat your vape pen battery will be crucial for ensuring you get the best battery life. Planning how long to charge a vape pen depends on the state of your vape pen, the type of battery, the power of the battery, and the charging device that you use.

Take great care of your device and your battery and it’s going to last much longer and hold a charge more reliably. Always refer to your manufacturer’s instructions to fully understand the details of your battery and what to expect. 

Looking for high-quality vaping products? Check out our wide range of options today!

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