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// June 21, 2024 //

does delta-8 smell like weed? unpacking the aroma









Do you recognize the term Delta-8? If you’re a cannabis enthusiast or you follow any of the trends in the industry, then this probably rings a bell of some kind for you. Delta-8 or Delta-8 THC has become more and more popular and it’s one of the few cannabis products that have more legal status than a lot of its counterparts.

It’s recognized under federal law for medical marijuana use because the psychoactive effects are very mild, as opposed to something like Delta-9 THC. 

As people start to use products like Delta-8 or get to know more about them, there are a lot of questions to consider. One popular one is the question: does Delta-8 smell like weed? It’s a cannabis product, right?

But with it being more mild, people assume the odor will also be mild. If you want to learn more about the odors that Delta-8 produces, check out our guide below. 

A person holding a smoking cannabis joint.

an overview of delta-8 THC

Let’s start by talking about just what exactly Delta-8 is, shall we? That’s going to help better understand the types of odors it might be capable of. Delta-8 is a byproduct of cannabis and it is made directly from the hemp plant. It’s a cannabinoid profile that is found naturally in cannabis plants or hemp plants, whatever you want to call them. However, Delta-8 is typically found in very low concentrations and it’s somewhat rare. 

That brings us to the majority of Delta-8 products on the market. While most include Delta-8 from the cannabis plant, they are often synthetically adjusted to spread them further. This helps to meet the demand. Some out there are almost completely synthetic and who knows what kind of harmful chemicals some of those have. 

Delta-8 is often compared to Delta-9 THC, but the truth is it really is quite different. It’s more similar in makeup and use to Delta-10. They all possess very similar structural details, which is why they all fall under the Delta name. Yet, that is really where their similarities end. 

Delta-8 THC has a chemical composition that will definitely provide a different aroma or effect than that of products like Delta-9 THC that are much more potent. Delta-8 has fewer adverse effects because it is very mild or low in psychoactive effects. 

Do you know the signature scent of marijuana products? It is often described as a skunky or musky scent and that’s a reasonable description. The scent that is so well known typically stems from smoking marijuana, but the scent can change. Those scents are often most associated with options like Delta-9 THC. 

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does delta-8 smell like weed? factors that matter

Now that we got introductions out of the way, let’s focus on the topic at hand, right? Ultimately, Delta-8 can smell like weed, but it’s probably not going to be as pungent as something like Delta-9 THC. Many factors might affect the odors too. 

Terpene profile

Extraction method

Purity and dilution

Product formulation

Use or consumption method

Let’s look at how these factors impact the aromas of Delta-8 THC. 

terpene profile 

Every part of every cannabis flower has what we refer to as a terpene profile. The terpene profile is made of up terpenes that ultimately will dictate what aroma comes from the herb when it is used. The terpene of the cannabis flower is where the aroma and the flavor come from. 

These compounds are on every cannabis plant, but they do create different profiles depending on the plant or the strain. Each plant and each terpene will have distinct smells and aromas that are associated with them that dictate the smell of weed. 

Now, knowing that you should also know that Delta-8 THC products can have different blends of terpene profiles. The blend of terpenes comes from the cannabis plant as well as other botanical sources that might become part of the product you are using. Each of these details will come together to create the final aroma. They all influence that aroma. 

Here’s a great example. If you choose a Delta-8 strain that is rich in myrcene, then the aromas that come from that product will be slightly fruity while also being earthy.

Then, we have strains that have limonene and those tend to have more citrusy odors and flavors associated with them. Many different strains like these affect the terpenes. 

extraction method 

How Delta-8 THC is extracted from the cannabis plant might also impact the aroma. There are various extraction methods that are categorized into methods that use solvents and solventless extractions

An extraction method that uses something like CO2 or distillation processes typically preserves large portions of the natural terpene profile of the plant.

Those create a product that will likely have a fuller, stronger aromatic experience. Again, the aroma itself will depend on the strain of the plant and the terpenes in it. 

Then, there are concentrates and distillates that are created for Delta-8 THC using methods such as chromatography and isomerization. These are going to reduce the natural elements a lot more and will also significantly reduce the aromas. 

Methods that use no solvents to create the cannabis distillate or concentrated form will provide the highest level of preservation for the natural terpenes and will therefore also produce the strongest aromas. 

purity and dilution 

Delta-8 THC in its raw form from the plant is one thing, but by the time it gets used by cannabis enthusiasts it is not that same thing. However, there is this little thing called purity.

What that means is that the final product has as few dilutions or additives as possible. The more pure it is, the more aromatic the product is going to be. You can look for third-party lab testing to learn more about a specific product’s purity. 

On the other hand, some Delta-8 THC concentrates are highly refined. That’s what is preferred by some, but it also means that the fragrance will be far more subtle, as will the flavors associated with the blend.

Now, you should also know that if a blend has additional botanical terpenes added to it, then you are more likely to use a product that smells like weed and presents a robust aroma. 

crystal weed cannabis concetrate

product formulation 

Next up, let’s consider the product formulation. After extraction, the remnants are then turned into whatever kind of product the end result is meant to be.

With Delta-8 THC there are a lot of synthetic concoctions out there, which means that the aromatic properties could be far different than the natural elements of the cannabis plant. 

When you look at Delta-8 THC products, you see a million different flavors available, right? All of those things are additives that are used to create some specific recipe or blend that appeals to consumers like us.

They have various additives or flavors to create something unique. In this case, the additional elements for the product formulation are absolutely going to impact the odors. 

This is most common with the vaping industry as well as edibles. If you use a Delta-8 THC gummy, then there probably aren’t going to be odors of weed that are really noticeable smells with that product formulation.

If you use a weed vape cartridge or a vape pen that has cherry-flavored Delta-8, then the weed aroma will be very mild and it will also contain aromas of the added flavor compounds. 

A man smoking cannabis on a couch.

use or consumption method

Finally, how you use or consume Delta-8 THC is going to make a significant difference as well. We touched on this just slightly above, but we want to dive into it more now. Delta-8 THC products can be consumed in several different ways.

Some people like to smoke the product, others prefer a flavored vape product, and still more like to enjoy a gummy when they need the benefits. There are also baked goods, tinctures, and oils that can be used. All of this will stem from your personal preferences in terms of what you choose to use. 

Smoking Delta-8 THC is going to have the most pronounced aroma that will likely smell like weed the most. Just remember the aroma is affected by the terpenes of the strain.

Vaping Delta-8 THC could also have subtle aromas of weed, but those aromas are impacted by the flavors or any other additives that are in the product too. Vaping does produce odors, but they tend to be milder effects and they dissipate quickly so it’s not an odor that will just cling to your clothes like smoking. 

Delta-8 THC edibles, tinctures, and other similar solutions will usually have a less conspicuous scent simply because the cannabinoids are taken in very differently. 

But in general, Delta-8 does have a smell similar to weed due to the presence of organic compounds and aromatic compounds that are also found in cannabis strains. These compounds contribute to the earthy aroma and the distinct aroma commonly associated with the smell of cannabis.

While not as pungent as some stronger cannabis strains, delta-8 products can still carry strong scents that are recognizable and characteristic of cannabis.

Marijuana edibles on a dark background.


Does Delta-8 smell like weed? Well, it certainly can. However, there are also methods that will produce very little of that well-known weed scent people are familiar with.

There are also a lot of different details that might impact whether or not there is a noticeable aroma and just how strong that aroma is. The terpene profile is the strongest factor for the basic aroma of Delta-8 THC products, but all of these other factors do make a difference too. 

Enjoy the best of cannabis vaping products. Explore our array of flavorful options today!

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