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// July 17, 2024 //

creatine gummies: the ultimate guide to boosting athletic performance

#athlete tips


#creatine gummies

#fitness journey

#wellness routine

Everyone knows being an adult can be pretty hard (even if we don’t always like to admit it). But who knew it’d be this difficult to figure out care routines for our bodies as we age?

Luckily, certain vitamins and supplements make the discovery process a little bit easier. Whether you live at the gym and have your health routine down to a T, or are just starting to learn your favorite ways to keep your body moving, supplements like creatine gummies exist to help streamline your fitness and wellness routines.

wtf is creatine supplementation?

Your muscles are about 70% water, so it’s key that they receive enough water to perform well! Creatine is a known osmolyte, which means it draws in more moisture when more of it is present.

By supplementing the body with extra creatine, you’re helping increase the water content in your muscle cells. This means they’ll stay more hydrated and function better overall.

Whether you lead an active lifestyle or a more sedentary one, a low, daily dose of creatine can help boost your muscles’ well-being, along with other systems in your body that benefit from creatine.

scoop of creatine powder

understanding creatine monohydrate

Keeping it totally simple, creatine monohydrate is an organic amino acid/performance supplement. It’s naturally found in red meat, beef, pork, fish, and some dairy products. The human body also produces creatine through the liver, kidneys, and pancreas, and it can be found working hard in the muscles and brain.

Its main function is to provide energy and pull water into your cells (especially your muscle cells) and to help increase adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule that helps transfer and store energy within the cells.

Most people’s bodies produce about 1g of creatine on their own per day; it’s uncommon for people to be deficient in creatine. Sometimes, pregnancy, low muscle mass, liver problems, or diet can cause creatine deficiency.

think you may be creatine deficient?

The best way to find out if you’re deficient in any of your vitamins or minerals is by reaching out to your doctor. Getting bloodwork done is pretty easy nowadays, and a licensed healthcare practitioner can help you get to the bottom of your vitamin levels.

benefits of creatine supplementation

Creatine supplementation has tons of proven benefits. For people who are more athletically inclined, increasing creatine intake can help:

Improve overall athletic performance, keeping you more hydrated and less crampy.

Supercharge the body’s recovery process (especially muscle recovery), and reduce and delay more serious long-term injuries from developing.

Increase muscle mass and lean muscle while minimizing overall tightness and soreness, so you can recover, grow, and build muscle at a faster pace.

Enhance endurance and cellular energy, so you can tackle more intense workouts.

Boost mental acuity and overall brain health, to help keep you sharp and on your toes!

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Creatine monohydrate is also great for folks following a meatless diet and has been shown to help those who suffer from conditions that affect the metabolism, blood circulation, muscles, joints, neurodegenerative diseases, and more.

Since creatine is such a powerhouse within the human body, it makes a lot of sense that boosting your intake could help boost your overall well-being and physical wellness.

athlete training in the gym with a jump rope

do I have to worry about side effects?

Creatine monohydrate is generally regarded as safe and suitable for everyone over 18, regardless of fitness level.

The only time that you may experience any side effects from creatine gummies is if you take too many (most individuals take 5g or less per day). Luckily, these side effects are usually minor and subside in time. They can include:

Temporary bloating from an increase in water weight
GI upset, like nausea or diarrhea
Weight gain from water retention

We recommend starting with a lower amount if you’ve never tried creatine before so that you can get a feel for how it affects your body. Then, you can comfortably adjust your dose as needed!

If you suffer from high blood pressure or kidney or liver disease, we recommend talking to your doctor before trying any new creatine products, as they can cause more severe side effects in people who deal with those issues.

When it comes to your body, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

what about creatine gummies?

You may have already seen creatine powder in stores, but what about creatine monohydrate gummies? Not only are the gummies way easier to dose out on the go but they also:

Travel better. Gone are the days of carrying an extra workout bottle with you (a water bottle and coffee are already more than enough)! Gummies are way more portable and easy to pack in a purse, little backpack, or pocket.

Are easier to dose. Instead of messing with measuring scoops and shaker bottles, you can figure out your preferred dose ahead of time and count the number of gummies you’ll need at the moment or for the day.

Taste amazing. You don’t always have to sacrifice great taste for better benefits! Creatine gummies are available in lots of awesome flavors, just like more traditional powdered creatine supplements.

Have superior texture to creatine powders. Though creatine gummies and powders offer the same benefits, creatine powder can be difficult to dissolve (just like protein powder).

Gummies let you skip the hassle of making sure your drink is perfectly mixed, and you’ll never have to worry about getting a mouthful of undissolved powder.

how do creatine gummies work?

Taking creatine gummies is as easy as taking a daily chewable vitamin! After you decide how much you want to start with gram-wise, you can count out the number of gummies and take them. They don’t need to be taken with water or food and you can take them any time of day.

There is some debate about whether it’s better to take creatine before or after a workout, but that really doesn’t matter too much as long as you’re consistently taking the creatine.

Since creatine is a supplement that your body takes time to adjust to, creating a daily habit of taking your creatine gummies will ensure you’re getting the most out of their benefits.

man doing bench presses in a gym

key things to consider when shopping for creatine monohydrate

There are a lot of supplements on the market to choose from, but not all are created equal. Here are some shopping tips to make sure you’re getting the most bang-for-your-buck, and the highest quality creatine monohydrate available.

Check for high-quality ingredients. This one seems like a no-brainer, but a lot of wannabe wellness companies get away with using unnecessary fillers, byproducts, or artificial ingredients in their gummies.

Authenticate your products if you can. Some companies have QR codes on their products so you can check ingredients or authenticate them. turn has a partnership with Berify, which helps our customers ensure they’re getting the real thing every time!

Read customer reviews and check out brand reputations. This helps to ensure the product you’re buying is effective and reliable.


Whether you’re looking to boost your athletic performance, find help with muscle growth, or just improve your overall wellness, creatine gummies are a great place to start!

They’re a delicious, convenient, and effective way to boost your quality of life and are portable enough to take with you wherever you go.

Looking for more ways to boost your day-to-day journey through life? Visit our Instagram to learn how we like to turn up our routines!

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